Volcano simulator
Category: Disorder
Posted by: cataboligne
So I got some kind of earth explorer proggy. Looks like a game for a seven year old, but I couldnt resist the "Volcano simulator" it promised. That and it was less than 2 dollars. (Anyone remember the paper boy from "Better off dead"?)
Got a thing for volcanos. Couldnt get it to run under xp yet...stupid thing has to install quicktime - even I dont think the simulator needs it. Dont expect much from the simulator - might have to design my own...perhaps with the hl2 engine.
Got a thing for volcanos. Couldnt get it to run under xp yet...stupid thing has to install quicktime - even I dont think the simulator needs it. Dont expect much from the simulator - might have to design my own...perhaps with the hl2 engine.